The 4th graders have studied about water in science, social studies and English.  They also had a Zoom talk with Father Otsuka in Rome and learned about global environmental problems.  

They researched more about water in groups and made a presentation.  The final goal of this unit was giving a presentation to the 3rd graders.  It was a great opportunity for the 3rd graders to learn about water and see how to give a group presentation in English.  


The 5th graders also gave a presentation to the 4th graders.  They have studied about sustainable development goals "SDGs" in social studies, science and home economoics.  In English lessons they focused on the 5 R's (Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Refuse, Repair) and discussed what they could do in groups.  They thought of a project that they could actually do in their daily life and introduced their projects to the 4th graders.


The 4th and 5th graders have done a great job!!!

Notre Dame Elementary School
English Department