Happy New Years everybody! It's 2012, the year of the Dragon, a year of good fortune and new beginnings. Being almost the end of the school year, it's also a time for reflection.
     Back in December, Miko Sensei and I  taught the 2nd graders two very popular Christmas songs. They were going to sing these songs in front of the 1st graders. 
     After the first practice, I realized that they were actually quite difficult songs to sing. After the third time practicing, I almost wanted to give up. After all, Christmas songs should be fun but some students were frustrated and didn't believe they could sing all this in English. However, after many more tries, the students started getting the hang of it and grew more confident. They could even do the gestures. 
    On the day of the "concert", the 2nd graders proudly sang in front of the 1st graders. It was wonderful to see their smiling faces and to hear their sweet voices.  They had done a great job!
    I'm so glad we didn't give up and best of all, the students didn't give up.  This year, I hope to sing many more songs  and study together. We'll have a blast! Here's to an energetic New Year!
Monica Yang   English Department

 皆さん、新年明けましておめでとうございます! 2012年は、辰年です。 幸福と新しい年の始まりを迎え、学年の終わりに近づき、今年度を振り返る時期でもあります。

 去年の12月、西先生と私はよく歌われるクリスマスの曲を2曲、2年生に教えました。1年生の前で歌のプレゼントをするためでしたが、1回目の練習の後、慣れ親しんでいるメロディでも英語で歌うとなると意外と難しいことに気づきました。 3回目の練習の後、もうこの曲はやめた方がいいのではないかとまで思いました。楽しいはずのクリスマスの曲なのに、こんなにたくさんの英語が歌えるはずがないと生徒たちもあきらめかかっているようでした。 でも、何度も繰り返し練習しているうちに段々と曲に慣れ、自信がつくようになり、ジェスチャーまで出来るようになりました。

英語科 ヤング モニカ