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  3. Mar. 1 Fri. Let's go to St. Louis !


Mar. 1 Fri. Let's go to St. Louis !

登録日:2019年2月28日/更新日:2019年3月 1日

The School Tour of America

 Last Monday, we had a gathering with the parents who got interested in this tour. After this gathering, we gave the information sheets to all of the 3rd, 4th and 5th graders.


Here is a quiz for you. Which one is the flag of USA?



 Let's see the answer.

 The United State of America was built by the people from Europe. Those people met the native Americans. In 1776, the people declaired independence. At this time, the flag had the Union Jack on it's left. The Union Jack is the flag of England.(No.1!!)

 George Washington asked Betty Ross to design the new flag. And the new flag was made. They said, "This is suitable for America!"(No.2!!)

 After this, they faught the Independence War against England, and the country became bigger and bigger. The number of the state became 13 to 15(No.3!!), and then 20. The country spread to west. When Admiral Perry came to Japan in 1853, there were 31 states. And in 1959, Hawaii joined USA, it became 50 states.(No.4!!)

 So, the answer is 1, 2, 3 and 4!!


 On this school tour, we visit St. Louis. Do you know where St. Louis is? 200 years ago, in 18th century, St. Louis was at the western end of the country!


 That's why the Gateway Arch has a special meaning. The arch shows that St. Louis was the gate to the new world.

 The sisters of Notre Dame came from St. Louis to Kyoto after the World War 2. Kyoto was the new world for the sisters. They came through the gate, through the arch! On this tour, we can go to the Notre Dame Mother House.


 Homestay is a new world for us and also for host families! 

 We visit Anheuser-Busch Brewery. Anheuser and Busch are both German names. They came from Germany to America. America was the new world for them. 

 Busch also made the baseball stadium, Busch Stadium. Baseball was born in America! We can go to watch a ball game on this tour!


 Everybody, how about going to the new world  together? We hope you to join this tour. 

Katsuya Endo



登録日:2019年2月28日/更新日:2019年3月 1日




校長ブログ 3月22日(金) 修了日をむかえて

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